I want to talk about something very serious for a moment. On April 17, 2012 Kala Schuchardt was murdered in cold blood and her 3 day old son Keegan was kidnapped. I met Kala about 5 years ago through a mutual friend. We never became close friends but saw each other a few times before I decided to move to the DFW area. She was the sweetest person. The last time I had seen her she was pregnant with her first child who is now 4. Even though we did not really become friends her murder has me fueling with anger. So if you have not heard this story here are some details. I would invite anyone to please help spread the word so that the woman who took her life gets the punishment she deserves!
On April 17th Kala took her 3 day old son to a postpartum checkup at the pediatricians office near The Woodlands, Texas. As she was coming out and about to get in her truck a woman by the name of Verna Deann McClain shot her as many as 7 times and snatched her baby and placed it in her car. As Verna was driving away Kala was yelling "my baby, my baby" and tried to reach into the car for her son. Verna McClain hit her with her car and knocked her over and fled. Kala cried out for her son. She died soon after. An amber alert was issued to Keegan and the vehicles description was plastered all over the news. The police put all their effort into bringing baby Keegan home. They finally found the vehicle at an apartment complex and when police were on the scene Verna approached them saying she knew where the baby was and that she had found him on the steps of her sister's apartment building. After the police questioned her and I guess found evidence in the apartment she eventually confessed and let them know where the baby was. The baby was with her sister at Verna's residence off 1960 in Harris County. Keegan was recovered and is now in the custody of his uncle for the time being. Kala also has two other children who are with him as well. This woman took a mother of three, wife, daughter, aunt, cousin, and friend from us. Her excuse? She claims she had suffered a miscarriage but instead of telling her fiance who lives in California the truth she told him that she had already given birth. She told the investigators that she was looking for any child she could get....the kicker? Kala's baby is white and Verna...well...shes black. To me it does not add up. How did she expect to pass a white baby off as her own.
Verna has been charged with capital murder and has been appointed court attorneys. Her attorneys have said she plans on pleading not guilty and they want to evaluate her mental state. Pleading insanity because she had a miscarriage!! I have news for this woman...there are plenty of people out there who have lost children. I have had 7 miscarriages and one ectopic. I know what pregnancy loss feels like but that doesn't make me want to kill an innocent woman and kidnap her child. I know other women who have had their share of miscarriages as well but that does not constitute murder and kidnapping. Supposedly the fiance is standing by her. Something tells me he knew. And Verna's family....ugh! Her mother got on camera with the fakest cry I have ever seen. "That's not my daughter" and the whole she wasn't in her right mind shebang. There are many unanswered questions but we may never know the real truth.
Verna was initially denied bond. She was booked in Montgomery Co Jail on suicide watch and solitary to I guess keep her safe. Her attorneys were pushing for her to get a bond of less than $100,000 so she could "take care of her children." Did I mention that Verna McClain is a nurse? Yep. You heard that right. A person who is supposed to care for people. And as for getting a bond and taking care of her kids....Kala doesn't get to be bonded out of heaven. Did she not think about her own children? Yes. Verna already had children. It wasn't like she was a mother who would never be able to have any. She has 3!!! The end result of the hearing was her bond being denied and her being released into general population in the jail. Kudos to Judge Edwards for doing the right thing. Actually, Kudos to the whole MC Sheriff's office!
At first this case didn't seem to be about race because, lets face it, a black on white crime is not racist in this world. Only a white on black crime. Now the notorious Quanell X has stuck his nose in to give his racist two cents. He says he believes Verna is insane. WHO WOULDA THUNK IT! This is the same man that said an 11 year old girl's rape was her fault as well as her parent's fault and that the accused were innocent (only the African American men not the other races) but that's a whole nother story! White or black this woman deserves to be punished for her crime. She took the life of an innocent woman. Enough said.
I posted this story because I want people to know what happened to her. I don't want her story to disappear. With cases like Trayvon Martin and such being in the spotlight right now its easy for this to just disappear. I will not let that happen. This woman deserves the death penalty in my opinion. Kala deserves justice! In reality its not 3 children that have lost their mother, its 6. Verna's children will probably end up being harassed because she didn't think before she acted. Her children won't get to spend time with their mother just as Kala's children won't be able to spend time with her.
P.S. If there is something that I missed or something that needs to be corrected please let me know!
Wow I could not have said ANY OF THAT BETTER MYSELF, EXCEPT NO she shouldn't, get death penalty, then she repents, blames everything on miscarriages, and dies saved! U would not believe the torcher she'll get in a women's prison for what shes done!